Spirit of the Sword: Pride and Fury in Blog Off!
I am very pleased to announce that Spirit of the Sword: Pride and Fury, my debut novel, will be taking part in this years Self Published...

The Dragon and the Sword out now!
The Dragon and the Sword, book 4 of the First Sword Chronicles is now live. This book sees the start of a new chapter for the Empire and...
The Dragon and the Sword: Sisters and Daughters
So, I read recently that self published authors need to make sure that they blog regularly to build up their web presence...or something...
What is Vox Day planning?
It's gone eight thirty now, where I live, and I haven't written a single word on The Warlord's Peace yet tonight, so I've decided that...

The Divine Empire of All Pelarius
I just had my map done! Now you can see the landscape over which Michael and his friends travel and battle. The map was drawn by the...
New laptop up and running
I finally replaced my laptop after several months of the old one whirring and grinding and groaning at me after I accidentally fell on...

A first look at the cover for Spirit of the Sword: Faith and Virtue
Another excellent work from Nicole, there, and something to keep you in suspense until the release of the book itself. Now, while the...
Announcing my Newsletter
You can now sign up to receive a free newsletter from me, containing details of new and upcoming releases, excerpts, first looks at art...
The Strong Lesbian Character
In his essay 'Saving Science Fiction from Strong Female Characters' part of the Hugo-nominated essay collection Transhuman and Subhuman:...
On Reading the Classics (of the genre)
This post is a mildly belated response to two blog posts, to use the term very loosely, that I came across on the internet. First is this...